Ali Jammal, born on the 10thof April 1988, holding the Lebanese nationality. Graduated from Tsinghua University with a PhD degree majoring in mechanical engineering in 2016. He is currently a lecturer at Xi’an University School of Mechanical and Material Engineering.
2021.11-present Xi’an University, Lecturer
2019.11-2021.11 Northwestern Polytechnical University, Post-Doctoral Fellow
2017.12-2019.11 Southern University of Science and Technology, Post-Doctoral Fellow
2016.11-2017.12 Tsinghua university, Research Assisstant
1.Multi-scale modelling on laser additive manufacturing process
2.Material solidification and characterization analysis and prediction
3.Dynamic and fatigue performance of wind turbine gearbox
4.structural and modal simulation
5.Heat treatment of gears
1.Jammal A., Wang G., Yang H, et al.Thermodynamic Calculation and Characterization of Carbide Precipitation in Laser-Deposited Material for High-Speed Steel Alloy. J. of Materi Eng and Perform, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-021-05497-7.
2.Jammal A, Wang G, JiaXin Z, Yang H, Yang S, Zhong Y, Rong Y. (). Multi-scale modelling of solidification and microstructure evolution in laser-deposition of T15 high speed steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 50, 24-33.
3.Jammal A, Gu C, Wang H, Li R, Song Y, Rong YK. An experimental study on high speedhelical gears misalignments and dynamic behavior under random loading, in 7th International Conference of the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE), 234-238, 2016.
4.Jammal A, Wang H, Rong Y. Spur Gears Static and Dynamic Meshing Simulation and Tooth Stress Calculation. In MATEC Web of Conferences, 2015, EDP Sciences.
5.Jammal A, Rong Y. Wind turbine gearbox dynamics. In IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), 330-333, 2013.
1.王辉,贾迈勒阿里,李晓龙,向东,融亦鸣,一种风电传动系统的多向交变载荷模拟试验装置, 2014.11.26,中国专利, ZL201420307844.6
2.王辉,贾迈勒阿里,李晓龙,向东,融亦鸣,一种风电传动系统的多向交变载荷模拟试验装置及方法, 2014.09.17,中国专利, 201410256057.8