发布者:外国语学院2023-05-26 11:18:33
熊国芳,女,1977年10月27日,副教授,2000年参加工作以来,先后从事过英语口语,英语写作及大学英语等课程的教学,对英语口、笔译有着浓厚的兴趣,研究方向为英语及英语教学。1996-2000年,就读于宝鸡文理学院英语教育专业,获学士学位。2006-2010就读于陕西师范大学外国语学院,获得硕士学位,研究生学历。2008-2009年在美国Thorne Primary School从事对外汉语教学一年。多次参与西安市及各级外宾来访的陪同翻译工作及对外文化交流活动。先后接待过来自意大利、英国、美国等多个国家的教育代表团及师生访问团来我校的访问及参观交流活动,并给外国师生讲授“中国书法”课。公开发表学术论文二十多篇,主持省级课题1项,横向课题1项,参与省、市级课题及教改立项多项。多次参与英语教师“国培计划”,对西安周边地区小学英语教师进行培训。并参与编写多部大中小学英语教材及教辅资料,录制公开发行小学英语视频教学光碟1套。2016年4月获得外研社杯全国大学英语教学竞赛陕西赛区三等奖。2016年7月获得“优秀共产党员”称号。2016年9月获得外国语学院“最美教师”称号。
Xiong Guofang
Oct.27, 1977
Associate Professor
Educational Background
MA, English Education, Shaanxi Normal University (2006-2010)
BA, English Education, Baoji Univesity of Arts and Science, (1996-2000)
Research Interests: English and English Education
Host 2 Provencal research projects and participate in several different-level research projects. Publicly published almost 30 journal articles.
Compose several college, middle school and primary school English books and teaching materials.
Honors and Awards:
Excellence Party Member (2016)
Excellent Teacher of School of Foreign Studies (2016)
Third Prize in Teaching Integrated Course in the 7th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest Shaanxi Division (2016)
Titles and Activities
Director of the Simultaneous Interpretation Committee of Shaanxi Provencal Translation Association
Members of Xi’an University Translation and Research Center
Participate activities to be interpreter and accompanied interpretation for the visitors and delegations from the U.S.A, the U.K, Italy and other countries and taught foreign guests the course of Chinese Calligraphy.